How can I help?


I’ve been in Product Management for over 15 years. I started of in Engineering, my first product was to build a real-time diagnostic system to monitor and control power plants.

I have worked in many industries - construction, healthcare, e-commerce, messaging, security, networking, up and down the tech stack. In the last 7 years, focused in the containers, cloud infrastructure, Kubernetes, crypto, and mental health, and SaaS areas. I have worked primarily in small to mid-size technology companies in the B2B space, creating products for companies of all sizes. I collaborated with many teams, shipped well over 20 different products and 100’s of new features. I have also killed products and features (one of the hardest thing for a Product Manager to do).

I’ve had the pleasure of working with great software engineers, designers, and other product managers. For the most part, things have gone very well. There have been many challenges along the way. I’ve had to learn and adapt constantly.

I’ve created and run my own startup and built out a team. It went thru successes and failures.

I have participated in 3 M&A’s and acquired a company. My personal and professional life has been full of challenges - both happy and sad.

Being a product leader is one of the most satisfying careers one can have. I got to it by accident when my first boss tapped me to join the team. If you are in it for the glory though, this career is not for you. If you care about people and are in it to help your teams make the product successful, then let’s get to work.

My dream is to help create and build teams and companies and teams working effectively in a distributed and decentralized way. Regenerative economics will be the future of how we will empower stakeholder capitalism.


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